
Our brave little heroes: the children we treated

Photographer: Evfrosinia Kapustina

In the heart of Guatemala, there are countless stories of resilience and bravery exhibited by the children we have had the honor to treat at Health & Help clinics. These young souls, faced with adversity and challenging circumstances, have shown incredible strength in the face of illness and injury. Today, we invite you to step into their world and witness their incredible journeys toward healing. Join us in celebrating these brave little heroes and consider making a monthly donation to help us save more lives.

Story 1: A Courageous Little Warrior

Imagine being a six-year-old who accidentally spilled boiling water on yourself, ending up with second-degree burns. In many local communities, the traditional response is to cover the injury with plant leaves, which can lead to dangerous infections. However, this young boy was fortunate. His family quickly cleaned the wound with sanitizer and brought him to our clinic. 

We applied sterile bandages and diligently changed them until his burns healed. Despite his fear, this brave little soul endured the bandaging procedure without a single scream. He shared proudly, “It hurt, but I tried to act like a grownup and I didn’t cry.” In Guatemala, such incidents are common due to cooking over open fires, and children are often left unattended. That’s why we educate families on safety measures and provide support for healthier generations.

Story 2: Triumph Over Worms

A young girl arrived at our clinic complaining of a stomach ache and loss of appetite. During the examination, we discovered that she had a persistent itch on her hands, with peeling skin. Her sister also had a similar rash. The doctor suspected parasitic worms, commonly known as ascarids, and confirmed the diagnosis through tests. 

Thankfully, the treatment was simple – a short intake of anti-parasitic drugs. In many impoverished Guatemalan households, the absence of proper sanitation infrastructure leads to contamination in the environment. Children often fall victim to these parasites due to a lack of knowledge about hygiene practices. Our volunteers do their best to raise awareness about handwashing and provide essential medical care to prevent such illnesses.

Story 3: Overcoming Fear and Healing

One playful moment turned into a scary incident when a child accidentally hit his forehead on a nightstand. Frightened by the sight of a surgical needle, we had to secure the wound with medical braces. For three days, our volunteers diligently changed the bandages, and on the fourth day, we were able to remove the braces.

The wound healed remarkably well, without any signs of infection. Removing the braces required the assistance of the child’s relatives, as he was agile and evasive like a ninja. Despite his fear, he emerged safe and sound.

Supporting Our Little Heroes

These stories are just a glimpse into the lives of the courageous children we encounter every day. We witness the pain they endure, the battles they fight, and the triumphs they achieve. 

Our clinics are often a ray of hope for families who lack access to adequate healthcare. But we cannot do it alone, and we need your help. We invite you to become a part of their healing journey by signing up for monthly donations. Even a small contribution of $12 can make a significant difference and save a child’s life!

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